1.Over time, no matter how much memory you have, your mobile system will slowly lose memory, bringing you to a critical state.
2.It destabilizes the mass and electrical equilibrium of the gas atoms, bringing them into a critical state for energy utilization.
3.When the system is in critical state as the bandlimited white noise increases the phase state graph extends its dynamic range.
4.It has been found that for the machine turning around the vertical axis is the most critical state through an practical example.
5.During normal operation in a BWR, the control rods are used to maintain the chain reaction at a critical state.
6.The stress situation is not ideal with critical state of bearing layer and almost crushed of border upon backfilling body.
7.During normal, full-power operation, the neutron population in a core is stable (remains the same) and the reactor is in a critical state.
8.Steady circumferential distortion declines from surge to critical state, nevertheless, dynamic turbulence intensity increases rapidly.
9.Building energy consumption is the major energy consumption, so building energy conservation has come to a critical state.
10.Generate a notification when any of the following connectors are in a warning or critical state.